Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Keeping My Mornings Sane!

I am NOT a morning person!  My husband is, but he is long gone (to work) before the four kids and I wake from our slumber.  He and I have a good thing going.  He does lunches and I do clothes.  Still I felt like I was always scrambling in the mornings... matching socks... steaming out wrinkles... praying my Bigs (who chose their own outfits) were matching! Getting them dressed, teeth brushed, fed, shoes on (you get the idea), left most of my mornings feeling frantic and rushed.

I was shopping in Ikea a few weeks ago and found these canvas-type shelves that hang from closets.  They had five shelves, perfect for Monday through Friday!  My kids don't have traditional rods in their closets, so I had to hang them using hangers.  I made little signs with the days of the week and we lay out all their clothes on Sunday night.

This has made my mornings HEAVENLY!  I know in the mornings that the kids will have wrinkle free clothes (because I take care of that on Sunday) and clean underwear.  I check the weather and let the Bigs pick out their own clothes.  Zach (my five year old) has even begun doing his own clothes (he had been just doing underwear and socks). I do the two year old's clothes (obviously) and put a diaper for each day too (one stop and I'm DONE).

My Big kids have deodorant now and they put it on to the new shelf each day after putting it on (which also makes me feel good knowing that they will smell fresh and lovely). I think this is a wonderful thing for people (like me) who hate mornings (and have a lot of little people to get out the door every morning).

What I really need now is to get this organized for myself...

1 comment:

  1. Omg!!!! I officially REALLY love you now!!! Lol!! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea and am going to Ikea today!!!!! Thank u bunches!!!!!!!


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